
Trade Marks
Use Calcutta trade marks proprietary online search algorithm to check your brand name availability.

Complete specifications registration of device patents (non- provisional) with the Indian Patent Office.

As per the Copyright Law in India, copyright subsists in all original published or unpublished literary, artistic works etc. It is essentiall...

Intellectual Property
With the Indian population becoming aware of their Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), a rise has been

Industrial Designs
Industrial design is a process of design applied to physical products that are to be manufactured by mass production.

About us
Practice Areas

A Patent is an exclusive right given to the inventor of an invention, which is new, novel and has industrial

Trade Marks
A Trade marks is a sign or logo which is capable of being represented graphically and distinguishing goods and services of one person from that o...

Industrial Designs
Design is a feature of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament or composition of lines or colors applied to any article
whether in...

Intellectual Property
This section gives information about intellectual property rights and laws prevailing in India and provides an insight into various developments

As per the Copyright Law in India, copyright subsists in all original published or unpublished literary, artistic works etc. It is essentiall...

Why The Calcutta Trade Mark Co.
Register your trade marks in 3 simple steps
Secure monopoly rights for your trade marks.
Select trade marks type
Choose whether you want to trade marks a Name, Logo, Sound or Slogan.
Trade marks details
Describe what products or services you offer.
Select countries
Choose from 180+ countries to file your trade marks in.